Work [Book Brief] Show Your Work Summary of Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. A quick read encouraging you, with practical tips, to share your creativity and work. In essence, it's a book about self-promotion, overcoming the fear of sharing your work, and gaining an audience.
Life [Book Brief] Don’t Overthink It Disclaimer: Book summaries are not a perfect representation of the material covered by the author and should not be taken as substitutes to reading the book. Having said that, enjoy! Overthinking is those times we spend a lot of mental energy on things that don't deserve it. Don&
Life [Book Brief] Non-Violent Communication Marshall B. Rosenberg wanted to understand what pulls us away from our compassionate selves when we are under trying circumstances. Through his research, he identified a form of communication that leads us to focus on clarifying what is being observed and needed rather than judging and jumping to conclusions. He
Life Assume positive intent for better relationships People are complex. We have a spectrum of view points and driven by many factors. This leads to reactionary responses to events or other people. The result is contention and conflict. We need to find a better way, and while I don’t know the perfect answer, we can start